Safe Streets Task Force Unsolved Homicides Rewards—SAC Kieran L. Ramsey Statement
We want to thank the members of the media for being here today, January 31, 2022, and helping to push our message out to the community. I also want to thank the many family members and friends of those taken from us, cut down by the gun violence. Thank you for your bravery and willingness to call out the community in memory of your loved one.
Today, we are here to announce the latest reward being offered by the FBI, through the Metro Safe Streets Task Force, in partnership with Oregon Crime Stoppers. We would also like to remind the community about the previous rewards we have offered so far by re-highlighting those efforts. I'd like to start though, with the senseless homicide of Kelley Smith. Mrs. Smith and her husband Raymond were working for Uber Eats, delivering food. They were in the area of Dawson Park in North Portland—near Legacy Emanuel Hospital—when unknown people fired multiple shots. Investigators recovered a large number of shell casings from several different types of firearms.
We know from the investigation thus far that Kelley was not an intended target. She and her husband were, tragically, in the wrong place at the wrong time, likely caught in the middle of a retaliatory cycle of gun violence that is all too often occurring here in Portland. Kelley was going about her business, working, trying to earn a living, and now her husband Raymond—who is joining us today—continues to mourn an unfathomable loss. So, here we are again. Law enforcement standing in front of the media, asking the community to step up and help.
Today, we are offering a reward of up to $15,000 to anyone providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder of Kelley Smith. We know someone out there, possibly listening now, can help us solve this case. Please step up and help Raymond Smith know that his wife’s killer doesn't get to walk the streets freely. Added to his pain, is the pain of six other families, many of whom join us again today to plead—no, to demand—that the community speak up for the same reason. As of today, we have now offered more than $115,000 in rewards for murders in the City of Portland. We do so in partnership with the other members of the Metro Safe Streets Task Force. Investigations continue into each one of these incidents, again, in the hopes of bringing some sense of justice for these folks. You've heard law enforcement, civic leaders, business leaders, and even elected officials say “enough is enough” as to the gun violence in our shared community.
For these people on these reward posters, it’s actually too late. It’s too late for their families. When will it be enough for the rest of us?
In the many meetings we've had with community members and community organizations committed to ending the violence on our streets, we've asked them how we can be more effective in offering these rewards. We continue to hear concerns about retaliation and retribution for people who are discovered cooperating with law enforcement. If you have any information that can help law enforcement, but are too scared at this point due to fear of retribution or retaliation, please call Oregon Crime Stoppers. (See information below concerning how to provide tips.) That’s why we're here today, with Oregon Crime Stoppers, to ensure that if people want to submit tips anonymously that they know how to do so through Crime Stoppers. Again—If you are fearful to come forward—tell us about those fears either directly to the FBI or through Crime Stoppers—and we will take additional measures to ensure you can provide us that information necessary, watch these individuals responsible go to prison, and then ensure you are not at risk yourselves.
These family and friends are here today to plead with you. Help them find justice for their loved one. Help them find healing. We all know that if the various people responsible for these heinous murders are held accountable, it will at the same time start to lessen the gun violence we are experiencing today, tomorrow, and in the future.
How to report information:
To be eligible for any FBI rewards, tips must be submitted directly to the FBI by calling 1-800-CALL-FBI or at For those persons wishing to remain anonymous, tips may be submitted to Crime Stoppers of Oregon and may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,500. Rewards offered by the FBI require that persons with information contact the FBI directly. Crime Stoppers of Oregon offers cash rewards of up to $2,500 cash for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in any unsolved felony crime and tipsters can remain anonymous.
Anyone wishing to submit a secure and anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers of Oregon should visit or visit the App Store and download P3 Tips for your smart phone or tablet.