FBI Norfolk Hosts Recruitment Event for Women
On October 5, 2019, the FBI’s Norfolk Division conducted a special agent recruiting event for women hosted by the Peninsula Council for Workforce Development.
Several dozen women gathered to learn about the FBI from female agents who are living their dream career. A diverse panel of agents—from a brand new agent fresh out of Quantico to seasoned veterans and supervisors—talked about their backgrounds and experiences and answered questions from the audience. The goal was to give women an inside look at an FBI career and learn how their unique skills and talents fit in with our mission.
The FBI is looking to build a diverse workforce of people who are interested in a rewarding career of service. The biggest myth about the FBI is that the Bureau only hires people with specific skills, when in reality we are looking for diversity in background and experience. We have agents who come from all walks of life, including teaching, journalism, finance, science and technology, and the health care field.
If you are interested in learning more about how you might fit in with the FBI, look for upcoming recruiting events and check out fbijobs.gov.