FBI Dallas Encourages Businesses to Stay Vigilant for Cyber Threats, Partner with the FBI
DALLAS—Companies and business entities, including government, private sector, and non-profit organizations, of all sizes throughout North Texas should remain informed about and vigilant of persistent malicious cyber intrusions and sustained cyber-related threats.
The FBI continues to see a significant number of cyber-attacks against private sector companies, critical infrastructure, and government agencies. The schemes are typically perpetrated by sophisticated criminal organizations and their methods vary from basic phishing campaigns to supply chain attacks, intellectual property theft, and ransomware attacks. The goals include disruption to a single business or an entire industry with global implications—the stakes could not be higher.
Our Cyber mission is to impose risk and consequence on global cyber adversaries. The FBI’s work is most effective when a company first identifies signs of a breach and engages us on day one so we can work together during incident response, mitigate an ongoing threat and ultimately pursue subjects behind attacks. We use our unique authorities and global capabilities to navigate the increasingly complex cyber ecosystem.
The Dallas Division is prepared to respond to cyber incidents 365 days a year. We have squads of cyber-trained Special Agents, Intelligence Analysts, Computer Scientists, and other technical personnel ready to engage, assess, investigate, and respond to cyber threats. Our goal is to bring stability to companies in crisis. While a company may experience a type of incident for the first time, it’s likely the FBI has seen related activity and can rapidly share expertise.
Business considerations for cyber security incident preparation
Develop a relationship with your local FBI field office before an intrusion. If you haven’t already, develop a formal incident response plan, and incorporate notification to the FBI in that plan. If you have a plan in place, ensure your local FBI cyber team is included, and rehearse the plan often. Finally, report the compromise. Whether you experience a breach, or your team identifies something out of the ordinary, share that information early with the FBI.
Engaging with the FBI
Early FBI engagement is critical to success. It allows us, along with our subject matter partners, to provide the highest level of support to those affected by cyber incidents:
- More than 600 of the Fortune 1000 companies are a part of the FBI’s Domestic Security Alliance Council.
- More than 80,000 professionals in the United States workforce are a part of the FBI’s InfraGard program.
- Our Recovery Asset Team (RAT) acts quickly to help victims recover funds that otherwise would be lost in sophisticated scams targeting financial transactions. In FY2021 the Financial Fraud Kill Chain (FFKC) was activated to successfully freeze more than $328 million to facilitate funds being returned to individual and business victims of cyber fraud.
- Established by the FBI’s Cyber Division in 2006, the Cyber Action Team (CAT) is an elite rapid response force is comprised of cyber experts and can be on the scene of a critical incident within 48 hours, just about anywhere in the world.
Contacting the FBI
- Call the FBI Dallas Field Office at 972-559-5000.
- Report Internet crimes at www.ic3.gov and other suspicious criminal activity at tips.fbi.gov.
Cyber risk is business risk, and cyber security is national security. Working together, we can protect your company and our nation’s critical infrastructure.
Additional FBI resources
- FBI Dallas and Ross Perot Jr. Describe Cybersecurity Partnership
- Business and Industry: Partners in Our Cyber Mission
- The Cyber Threat
- 2022 marks the FBI Cyber Division’s 20th year
Engagement resources
The FBI shares information with the private sector through one-on-one outreach, cyber threat bulletins, and through our many partnerships, including the Fortune-1000 companies who belong to the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) and the U.S. critical infrastructure professionals in our national InfraGard program.
- For more information about DSAC, please visit www.dsac.gov
- To learn more about joining InfraGard, please visit www.infragard.org
- IC3 also provides Industry Alerts at www.ic3.gov/Home/IndustryAlerts