Bad Cops Caught - I

July 7, 2009

Five cops go bad in Memphis, Tennessee, and the FBI worked with police officials to weed them out.

Audio Transcript

Mr. Schiff: Five cops go bad in Memphis, Tennessee, and the FBI worked with police officials to weed them out.

Ms. Harris: "We were contacted by the Memphis Police Department Security Squad.”

Mr. Schiff: FBI Special Agent Tracey Harris in Memphis.

Ms. Harris: "That’s a unique unit that pretty much investigates criminal matters that are carried out by police officers on the force.”

Mr. Schiff: Harris says a reserve officer made an arrest, and the person arrested filed a complaint.

Ms. Harris: "They were able to go back and corroborate certain things and realized that it was potentially a civil rights matter, so they brought us in on it.”

Mr. Schiff: Harris says the person making the complaint was interviewed and some serious stuff came out about officers working with drug dealers to steal from other drug dealers.

Ms. Harris: "Do a traffic stop, intercept the drugs and/or money, take everything, and then sell the drugs on the streets of Memphis themselves.”

Mr. Schiff: Five convictions and the leader got life in prison plus 255 years for civil rights, narcotics, robbery, and firearms crimes. I’m Neal Schiff of the Bureau, and that’s the FBI’s Closed Case of the Week.”

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