Ahead of the Threat Podcast: Episode Six - Charles Carmakal
January 15, 2025
For our first episode of 2025, Charles Carmakal joins the show to discuss all things Scattered Spider. As the chief technology officer at Mandiant, Charles details a disturbing trend of compromises through seemingly unsophisticated, yet highly effective approaches, including hackers who trick organization help desks into granting them system access. Hosts Bryan Vorndran, the assistant director of the FBI's Cyber Division, and Jamil Farshchi, an FBI strategic engagement advisor, discuss mitigation techniques that companies, such as Mandiant, recommend to clients. In the episode’s Top Three segment, Bryan and Jamil discuss the breaches of BeyondTrust and Data School and give an update on Salt Typhoon. Listen to Ahead of the Threat episodes, read the transcripts, and find related material at fbi.gov/aheadofthethreat.