Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud and Bank Fraud; Conspiracy to Commit Computer-Related Fraud (Computer Intrusion)



Jin Hyok Park, Pak Jin Hek, Pak Kwang Jin


Place of Birth Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Sex Male
Race Asian
Languages English, Korean, Mandarin Chinese


Park is a North Korean citizen last known to be in North Korea. Park has traveled to China in the past and has reported dates of birth in 1984 and 1981.


Park Jin Hyok is allegedly a state-sponsored North Korean computer programmer who is part of an alleged criminal conspiracy responsible for some of the costliest computer intrusions in history. These intrusions caused damage to computer systems of, and stole currency and virtual currency from, numerous victims.

Park was alleged to be a participant in a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy undertaken by a group of hackers of the North Korean government’s Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB). The conspiracy comprised North Korean hacking groups that some private cybersecurity researchers have labeled the “Lazarus Group” and Advanced Persistent Threat 38 (APT38). On December 8, 2020, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Park in the United States District Court, Central District of California, after he was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, and one count of conspiracy to commit computer fraud (computer intrusions). A federal arrest warrant was previously issued for Park on June 8, 2018, after he was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit computer-related fraud (computer intrusion) in a federal criminal complaint.

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Field Office: Los Angeles

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