Wang, Lei

Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets

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Lei, Wang, Xu, Wancheng, Wancheng, Xu


Date(s) of Birth Used October 22, 1962
Place of Birth Tacheng, Xinjiang, China or Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Sex Male
Race Asian
Occupation Manager at Beijing New Gainer Seed Co., Ltd.
Nationality Chinese
NCIC W089006135


Wang, Lei should be considered an international flight risk. He has possibly visited China and Argentina and speaks Mandarin and English. He may also wear glasses.


From approximately April 2011 to approximately December 2012, Wang, Lei, Li, Shaoming, Lin, Yong, Wang, Hongwei, and Ye, Jian allegedly conspired to steal the intellectual property of several United States-based seed manufacturing companies and transport the intellectual property to the People's Republic of China for the benefit of their China-based seed company. The 5 individuals are alleged to have conspired to steal “inbred” corn seed from Dupont Pioneer, Monsanto, and LG Seeds. This “inbred” or “parent” line of seed constitutes valuable intellectual property of a seed producer. The estimated loss on an “inbred” line of seed is approximately 5 to 8 years of research and a minimum of 30 to 40 million dollars.


After Wang, Lei was charged with conspiracy to steal trade secrets, a federal warrant was issued for his arrest in the United States District Court, Southern District of Iowa, on December 17, 2013.

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Field Office: Omaha

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