Transporting a Minor in Interstate Commerce With the Intent to Engage in Sexual Activity; Traveling in Interstate Commerce With the Intent to Engage in Sex With a Minor; Failure to Appear

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Photograph taken in 2002
Photograph taken in 2002
Photograph taken in 2002 - Scar on wrist
Photograph taken in 2002


Date(s) of Birth Used June 20, 1969
Place of Birth Haiti
Hair Black
Eyes Black
Height 5'7"
Weight 145 pounds
Sex Male
Race Black
Occupation Chemist, Nursing assistant
Nationality Haitian
Scars and Marks Dieudonne has a scar on his right wrist.
NCIC W884856637


Dieudonne has ties to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Utah.


Frantz Dieudonne is being sought for his alleged involvement in sex-related crimes with a minor, after being indicted in Illinois on October 1, 2002, and in Utah on February 26, 2003. From November of 2001 through May of 2002, Dieudonne allegedly traveled across state lines from Pennsylvania to Utah to engage in sex with a 15-year-old minor. On June 1, 2002, Dieudonne was arrested in North Aurora, Illinois, for allegedly transporting a minor in interstate commerce with the intent to engage in sex and was released on bond one week later. Dieudonne was scheduled for a pre-trial motion on September 22, 2003, in the Northern District of Illinois, but he failed to appear, and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Dieudonne also failed to appear for trials, which were scheduled for October 20, 2003, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and November 3, 2003, in Chicago, Illinois.

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Field Office: Chicago

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